“D” Cliches
n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z
- Dagger (knife) in the heart, A
- Damned if you do and damned if you don’t
- Dances (Moves) to the beat of a different drummer
- Dangle a carrot in front of him
- Dark horse
- David versus Goliath
- Day late and a dollar short, A
- Dead as a doornail
- Dead cat bounce
- Dead presidents
- Dead ringer
- Dead to rights
- Deal with it, To
- Dealt a fatal blow
- Death by a thousand cuts
- Deep do do (sh#t)
- Deep six (6) something, To
- Deer in headlights, Like a
- Diamond in the rough
- Dig for gold, To
- Dig yourself into a hole, To
- Dip your toe in the water
- Dirt cheap
- Do a one-eighty (180)
- Do as I say and not as I do
- Do birds fly?
- Do or die
- Do the Dutch, To
- Do unto others as you would have other do unto you
- Do what it takes
- Do you feel me?
- Does a bear sh#t in the woods?
- Does the Pope wear a funny hat?
- Doesn’t have both oars in the water
- Doesn’t stand (have) a prayer
- Doesn’t stand a chance
- Dog eat dog
- Dog it, To (Doging it)
- Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on
- Dogs bollocks, The
- Dogs have masters, cats have staff
- Dog’s life, A
- Doing time
- Don’t bite the hand that feeds you
- Don’t come the raw prawn with me
- Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched
- Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
- Don’t get your knickers in a knot
- Don’t get your knickers in a twist
- Don’t get your panties in a wad
- Don’t go there
- Don’t have two (2) nickels to rub together
- Don’t hold your breath
- Don’t know him from Adam
- Don’t know sh#t from shinola
- Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
- Don’t look back
- Don’t make a fuss
- Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining!
- Don’t rock the boat
- Don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger
- Don’t sweat it
- Don’t take any wooden nickels
- Don’t tempt fate
- Dot the I’s and cross the T’s
- Double whammy
- Down and out
- Down in the mouth, To be
- Down on your/his luck
- Down the hatch
- Drain the lizard
- Draw a blank, To
- Dream on
- Dressed to kill
- Dressed to the nines
- Drink the Kool-Aid
- Drive me to drink, To
- Drive me/you up a nuts, To
- Drive me/you up a wall, To
- Drive the porcelain bus, To
- Driving me crazy
- Driving your ducks to a (mighty) poor pond
- Drop a dime
- Drop in the bucket, A
- Drop me a line
- Dropping like flies
- Drown your sorrows
- Drunk as a skunk
- Dry as a bone
- Duck!
- Duck soup
- Dumb as a fox, To be
- Dumb as a post
- Dumb as a stump
- Dumber than a bag of hammers
- Dumber than a box of rocks
- Dutch, Go (Dutch treat)
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