“L” Cliches
n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z
- Land of milk and honey
- Last ditch effort, A
- Last hurrah
- Last, but not least
- Laugh a minute, A
- Laugh all the way to the bank, To
- Lay down the law, To
- Lay my cards (out) on the table
- Leave (Make) your mark, To
- Leave no stone unturned
- Left at the altar
- Legend in his own mind, A
- Leopard doesn’t change its spots, A
- Lesser of two (2) evils, The
- Let bygones be bygones
- Let sleeping dogs lie
- Let the cat out of the bag, To
- Let’s roll
- Let’s split
- Lickety-split
- Licking one’s wounds
- Lie down with lions, To
- Life is a bowl of cherries
- Life’s a b#tch
- Light as a feather
- Light at the end of the tunnel, The
- Light in the loafers
- Lightning never strikes the same place twice
- Lights are on but there’s nobody home, The
- Lights out
- Like a bull in a china shop
- Like a chicken with his head cut off
- Like a coiled spring
- Like a lost dog in the high weeds
- Like butter
- Like chalk and cheese
- Like father, like son
- Like flies on sh#t
- Like it’s going out of style
- Like oil and water
- Like sh#t off a shovel
- Like shooting ducks on a pond
- Like there is no tomorrow
- Like white on rice
- Line in the sand, A
- Lion’s den, The
- Lion’s share, The
- Lipstick on a pig
- Litmus test
- Little bird told me, A
- Little of this, a little of that, A
- Live and learn
- Living high off the hog
- Llie like a rug, To
- Lock, stock, and barrel
- Long and short of it, The
- Long arm of the law, The
- Long in the tooth
- Long row to hoe
- Long shot, A
- Long time no see
- Long ways away, A
- Look before you leap
- Look into your heart
- Look out!
- Look over your shoulder, To
- Looking at the world through rosy colored glasses
- Looking for a needle in a haystack
- Looped
- Loose cannon, A
- Loose your shirt, To
- Looser, A
- Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise
- Lose your lunch, To
- Lost a step
- Love is blind
- Lower than a snake’s belly
- Luck of the draw, The
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