“S” Cliches
n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z
- Same bat time, same bat channel
- Same song and dance
- Save the drama for your mama
- Save your breath
- Say what you will….
- Say your prayers
- Scarce as hen’s teeth
- Scared of his own shadow
- Scraping the bottom of the barrel
- Second banana
- Second wind
- See eye to eye, To
- See the glass as half empty, To
- See the light, To
- See the whole field (board), To
- See which way the winds blow, To
- See you later alligator
- See’s the glass as half full, To
- Sell out (sold out), To
- Sensory overload
- Separate the men from the boys
- Separate the wheat from the chaff
- Serve up a fat pitch, To
- Serve up a lollipop, To
- Serve up a softball, To
- Set the table, To
- Seven (7) year itch, The
- Sh#t eating grin
- Sh#t or get off the pot
- Sh#t out of luck
- Shake hands with the wife’s best friend, To
- Shape up or ship out
- Sharp as a marble
- Sharp as a tack
- She has a great personality
- Shed (some) light on, To
- She’ll be right
- She’s a peach
- She’s been hit with an ugly stick
- She’s lost her marbles
- Shirty, To be
- Shoe in, A
- Shoe is on the other foot, The
- Shoestring budget, A
- Shoot from the hip, To
- Shoot straight
- Shoot the breeze
- Shoot the rock, To
- Shoot yourself in the foot
- Shooting fish in a barrel, (Like)
- Shooting for the moon
- Shop talk
- Short changed
- Short end of the stick, The
- Short fuse, A
- Short pleasures are often long regretted
- Shot across the bow, A
- Shot in the dark, A
- Shotgun wedding, A
- Shove off
- Show him the door
- Show me the money!
- Show some backbone
- Show some spunk
- Show them how the cow ate the cabbage
- Shuffle off this mortal coil, To
- Shut out, A
- Shut the hole in your head
- Shut up
- Shut your hole
- Shut your mouth, To
- Sick as a dog
- Sick to death of it
- Signed, sealed and delivered
- Silence is golden
- Silenced the crowd
- Sing like a bird
- Sink or swim, To
- Sink your teeth into, To
- Sit tight, To
- Sitting in the catbird seat
- Six (6) of one (1), half a dozen of another
- Skate on thin ice, To
- Skeletons in the closet
- Slam dunk, A
- Slap (pat) on the back
- Slicker than snot on a door knob
- Slipped through your fingers
- Slippery slope
- Sloppy as a soup sandwich
- Sloshed
- Slow and steady wins the race
- Slow as a wet week, As
- Slow as molasses in January
- Sly as a fox, To be
- Small potatoes
- Small world, isn’t it?
- Smashed
- Smell (a little) ripe, To
- Smoke and mirrors
- Smoking gun
- Smooth operator, A
- Smooth over, To
- Snail’s pace, A
- Snockered
- Snow job, A
- Snowball’s chance in hell, A
- So close, you can taste it
- So ugly, they’d have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink
- Sod off
- Solid as a rock (the rock of Gibraltar)
- Someday, you will thank me for this
- Sometimes you are the hydrant, and sometimes you are the dog
- Sometimes you are the windshield, and sometimes you are the bug
- Son of a b#tch
- Son of a gun, (I’ll be a)
- Sound like a broken record, To
- Sounds like a plan
- Soup to nuts
- South end of a north bound horse, The
- Spare the rod and spoil the child
- Speak with a forked tongue
- Spinning your wheels
- Spit in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one you have the most in
- Spitting image
- Split second
- Splitting hairs
- Spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, A
- Spread the word (news)
- Spruce up
- Squeaky wheel gets the grease, The
- Squeal on, To
- Stack the deck, To
- State of the art
- Stay tuned
- Stem the tide
- Step on it, To
- Stepping on people’s toes, To
- Stick a fork in it (him, me)
- Stick in the mud, To be a
- Stick it in your ear
- Stick it out
- Stick it to you
- Stick it where the sun don’t shine
- Stick to your guns, To
- Stick with it
- Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me
- Sticky subject
- Stiff as a board
- Stitch in time saves nine, A
- Stone faced
- Stone the crows!
- Stoned
- Stone’s throw away, A
- Stop and smell the roses
- Stop him, Newt, he’s headed for the barn!
- Stop on a dime
- Stop the presses!
- Straight arrow, A
- Straighten up and fly right
- Stress out
- Stretch a dollar, To
- String him along
- Strong as an ox
- Stubborn as a mule
- Stuck out like a sore thumb
- Stuck-up, To be
- Stuffed shirt, A
- Suck up
- Sucker
- Sugar in his pants (shorts)
- Sugarcoat something, To
- Survival of the fittest
- Swallow one’s pride
- Sweat equity
- Sweat the details, To
- Sweep it under the rug
- Sweet 16 and never been kissed
- Sweet deal, A
- Sweeten the pot
- Sweetheart deal, A
- Swim against the tide
- Swim up stream
- Swim with the sharks
- Swimming in molasses
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