“F” Cliches
n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z
- Face like a bag of spanners, A
- Face like a bulldog chewing on a wasp, A
- Face like a burst couch, A
- Face like a dropped meat pie, A
- Face only a mother could love, A
- Face that would scare a dog out of a butcher shop, A
- Faint heart never a true love knows, A
- Fair haired one, The
- Fair weather friend
- Fall guy, A
- Fall head over heels
- Fall through the cracks
- Falling off a log, As easy as
- Family affair, A
- Fan the flames
- Fancy meeting you here
- Far cry, A
- Fast buck, A
- Fat as a cow
- Fat as a pig
- Fat chance
- Feather in his cap, A
- Federal case, A
- Fell off my plate
- Few bricks shy, A
- Few fries short of a happy meal, A
- Few sandwiches short of a picnic, A
- Fickle finger of fate
- Fifty (50), Fifty (50)
- Fight like cats and dogs
- Figure it out
- Filthy rich
- Fine and dandy
- Fine as wine, As
- Fine line
- Finer than frog hair
- Fingered
- Firing on all cylinders
- First things first
- Fish or cut bait, To
- Fish out of water, A
- Fit as a fiddle
- Fit to be hung
- Fit to be tied
- Fits like a glove
- Fits like a hand in (a) glove
- Flash as a rat with a gold tooth
- Flash in the pan, A
- Flat as a board
- Flat as a pancake
- Fleet footed
- Fling, A
- Flip flop
- Flip your lid, To
- Flog a dead horse
- Flown the coop
- Fly by night
- Fly by the book
- Fly by the seat of your pants, To
- Fly in the ointment, A
- Fly on the wall, A
- Follow the leader
- Following in his footsteps
- Fool and his money are soon parted, A
- Fools gold
- For crying out loud
- For Pete’s sake
- Forever and a day
- Fork it over
- Fork out
- Four one one (411), The
- Free as a bird
- Free reign
- Frog in a frying pan, Like a
- Frog in my throat, A
- From day one
- From here to timbuktu
- Full Monty
- Full of himself
- Full of hot air
- Full of mischief
- Funny business
- Fur coat and no knickers
- Fur fly, The
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