“P” Cliches
n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z
- Pack it in, To
- Pain in the #ss
- Pain in the neck
- Paint yourself into a corner, To
- Pandora’s box, Open (up)
- Paper over, To
- Paper tiger, A
- Par for the course
- Pass away, To
- Pass on, To
- Pass the buck
- Pass the hat, To
- Passed with flying colors
- Path of least resistance, To take the
- Pay as you go, To
- Pay lip service, To
- Pay the piper, To
- Pay through the nose, To
- Payback is a b#tch
- Pearls before swine
- Peas in a pod, Like (two) (2)
- Peel (back) the onion
- Pencil it / you / me in
- Penny for your thoughts, A
- Penny pincher
- Penny saved is a penny earned, A
- Penny wise and pound foolish
- People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
- Perception becomes reality
- Phone it in, To
- Pick of the litter, The
- Pick the low hanging fruit
- Picture’s worth a thousand words, A
- Piece of cake, A
- Pig dog
- Pig headed
- Pig out, To
- Pin our hopes on, To
- Piss on the chips, Don’t
- Pissed to the gills
- Pissing in the wind
- Piss-poor
- Plain and simple
- Plain as day, As
- Plastered
- Play ball, To
- Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not the name on the back of your jersey
- Play it by ear
- Play second fiddle to
- Play the _____ (race) card
- Play the field
- Play the hand you’re dealt
- Play with the big boys
- Plenty of other fish in the sea, To have
- Plenty of other fish to fry, To have
- Plunk down, To
- Poison the well, To
- Polluted
- Poor as a church mouse
- Pop a vein, To
- Pot calling the kettle black, The
- Pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, The
- Pound for pound
- Pound of flesh, A
- Pound the pavement, To
- Pound the table, To
- Pour oil on trouble waters, To
- Pour the Kool-Aid
- Powers of darkness
- Preach the choir, To
- Preach to the converted, To
- Press the flesh
- Pretty penny
- Propped up
- Pull a rabbit out of a hat
- Pull any stunts, To
- Pull the wool over your eyes, To
- Pull your leg, To
- Pulling your hair
- Punch his lights out, To
- Punched in the gut
- Pure as the driven snow, As
- Push the envelope
- Push your buttons
- Pushing up daisies
- Put a cork in it
- Put a lid on it, To
- Put a sock in it (Stick a sock in it)
- Put it through its paces
- Put on ice, To be
- Put out some feelers, To
- Put that in your pipe and smoke it
- Put the pedal to the metal, To
- Put two (2) and two (2) together, To
- Put your best foot forward, To
- Put your foot in your mouth, To
- Put your heart into it, To
- Put your money where your mouth is, To
- Putting the cart before the horse, To
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