“T” Cliches
n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z
- Tail between his legs
- Take a back seat to, To
- Take a bath, To
- Take a breather, To
- Take a dump
- Take a leak
- Take a long walk off a short plank (pier)
- Take a picture, it will last longer
- Take a step back, To
- Take care of your knitting, To
- Take five (5)
- Take it easy
- Take it from me
- Take it to the limit
- Take it with a grain of salt, To
- Take one for the team, To
- Take stock of, To
- Take the bull by the horns
- Take the crowd out of the game, To
- Take the easy way out
- Take the gloves off
- Take the plunge, To
- Take the wind out of your sail
- Take the world by storm, To
- Take your life in your own hands
- Taken for a ride
- Takes its toll on you
- Taking the scenic route
- Talk (Speak) to the hand
- Talk shop
- Talk until you are blue in the face
- Talking behind his back
- Tall tale, A
- Tanked
- Taste of your own medicine, A
- Teach him to fish
- Teacher’s pet
- Team player, A
- Tear you a new #sshole, To
- Technicolor Yawn, The
- Tell a prokie
- Tell it to me straight
- Tempest in a teapot, A
- Ten (10) to one (1)
- Tend the garden, To
- Test the waters, To
- Testing one’s mettle
- Thank goodness
- Thank your lucky stars
- That and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee
- That burns me up
- That chaps my hide
- That dog won’t hunt
- That gets my goad
- That hits the spot
- That takes the cake
- That was cold-blooded
- That which does not kill you makes you stronger
- That’s a doozy
- That’s a joke
- That’s a load off my mind
- That’s a wrap
- That’s bogus
- That’s for the birds
- That’s how the cow eats the cabbage
- That’s just peachy
- That’s no joke
- That’s the sixty-four thousand ($64,000) question
- That’s the ticket
- That’s the way lady luck dances
- That’s the way the ball bounces
- That’s the way the cookie crumbles
- That’s water under the bridge
- The best things in life are free
- The bomb
- The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
- Their ace
- There is a god
- There is more than one way to skin a cat
- There is no cow on the ice
- There is no I in team
- There is no time like the present
- There now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?
- There ought to be a law against that
- There, but for the grace of God, go I
- There’ll be hell to pay
- There’s a sucker born every minute
- There’s gold in them thar hills
- There’s no place like home
- There’s no such thing as a free lunch
- There’s no time like the present
- There’s something fishy about that
- They can’t buy a basket/run/score
- They need to take care of the rock
- They play good D
- Thick as a brick
- Thick as a ditch, A
- Thick as pea soup
- Thick headed
- Things aren’t what they used to be
- Think like a man, act like a woman
- Think outside the box, To
- Thinking with the wrong head
- Third (3rd) time’s a charm, The
- Third wheel, A
- Thirty thousand (30,000) foot level
- Thorn in my side, A
- Those who do not look back from where they come from, will not reach their destination
- Three sheets to the wind
- Threw a curve ball
- Threw it with a little something on it
- Through thick and thin
- Throw (toss) me a bone
- Throw (toss) me some scraps
- Throw (Toss) your hat in the ring, To
- Throw cold water on
- Throw down, To
- Throw gas (gasoline) on the fire, To
- Throw in the towel, To
- Throw the baby out with the bathwater, To
- Throw the book at him
- Throw to the wolves, To
- Throwing aspirin tablets
- Thumb your nose at, To
- Thumbs up
- Tickled pink
- Tie the knot, To
- Tie the know, To
- Tight as a drum, Wound
- Tight as the bark on a tree
- Tight wad, A
- Tighten your belt (Belt tightening)
- Tighter than a gnat’s ass
- Tilting at windmills
- Timber!
- Time after time
- Time and again
- Time flies when you’re having fun
- Time heals all wounds
- Time is money
- Time is running out
- Time of your life, The
- Time on your hands
- Time out
- Time’s up
- Times, they are a changing, The
- To be honest with you
- To each his own
- To the victor go the spoils
- To toy with
- Today is the first day of the rest of your life
- Toe the line
- Tongue in cheek
- Tongue lashing, A
- Tongue tied, To be
- Too many chefs spoil the broth (soup)
- Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
- Too many cooks spoil the soup (broth)
- Too much information (TMI)
- Too much sail for a small craft (hull)
- Too rich for my blood
- Took off like a bat out of hell
- Took off like a shot
- Took something off that one
- Toot his own horn
- Tooth and nail
- Top banana
- Top dog
- Tore up from the floor up
- Toss your cookies, To
- Touch and go
- Tow the line
- Tread lightly, To
- Trial balloon, To send up or float a
- Trial by fire
- Tried and true
- Trip over your tongue
- Trojan horse, A
- Truth is stranger than fiction
- Tugging at heartstrings
- Tune out, To
- Turn on a dime
- Turn over a new leaf
- Twiddling your thumbs
- Twist my arm
- Twist of fate
- Two (2) faced
- Two (2) heads are better than one
- Two (2) left feet
- Two (2) ships passing in the night
- Two(2) wrongs don’t make a right
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